Andreas is a native of Gothenburg, Sweden. He is 38 years old and currently works as a pastor at the United Methodist Church in Mysen, Norway. He has a Master of Divinity from Wesley Biblical Seminary in Mississippi, USA, and has a background as a professional firefighter.
Laurie is 38 years old and a native of Wilmore, Kentucky, USA. She is currently a homemaker taking care of our two boys. She has a Bachelor of Arts from Asbury College and professionally she is an adoption social worker with experience in multiple fields, including working with orphan care on Nepal.
Samuel is our oldest son. He is 8 years old and a native of Kathmandu, Nepal. He is currently attending third grade at Mysen Skole. He is full of energy, has a heart of gold, asks profound and deep theological questions and has a very strong will. He loves Lego, gymnastics and math...but if you ask him he would probably tell you he prefers the racing game "Asphalt 7" on the iPad. We adopted Samuel from Nepal in 2005.
David is our youngest son. He is 4 years old and is a native of Urumqi, China. He is currently staying home with mommy, trying to adjust to the third country in a little over a year. He talks constantly and loves to play with cars and his big brother's Lego...something that is a source of brotherly contention. He is laid back and rather shy, but when he opens up, his smile and his mischeviousness is a source of many laughs. We adopted David in 2011.
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