Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The waiting

Dear friends,

It is the time of advent and Christmas and as such it is a time of waiting. Often we tend to be frustrated when we have to wait for something, whether it is waiting in line at the grocery store, being stuck in traffic or perhaps waiting for those cute little symbols on our computers that tell us that whatever we wanted to do is not quite ready. We have to wait and we are not good at it.

This year we have a different type of waiting before us. We are waiting to go to Nepal and start the orphanage that we have dreamt about for over 7 years. That inevitably puts the children, who are waiting for a home and some love and some hope, in perspective. We don't know who they are or even where they are, but we know that they are there. Lots of them. Waiting.

We have made some really good connections with several churches in Nepal and we are excited to work with them. I am invited to preach the day after we arrive, which in itself will be rather interesting. If my memory serves me right I do remember being rather, ahem, tired the day after travelling for two days. I am looking forward to it, though. It is something I will chalk up to "things I never thought I would do".
Laurie is working with her connections all over the world to do what she does best (well, one f the things), networking. That is the stage we are in right now, networking. If you have ever thought about helping people/children in need but never knew how, this is for you. You can help from your home by praying for us or supporting us financially...or you can come to Nepal and install a playground or put in some windows or whatever. This last thing, however, will take place further down the line. It might be a while until we can have teams, or people, come to Nepal and help...but it will happen. You will have you chance.

So, enjoy the advent and Christmas season. Enjoy the waiting...because good things do come to those who wait, and thanks...for waiting with us. It makes the waiting a little shorter and there are plenty of reasons for that to happen.

Merry Christmas and if we don't write before then, A Happy New Year!

Andreas and Laurie Kjernald